Foods High in Resveratrol

Regarding enhancing wholesome longevity, resveratrol has emerged as an innovative component present naturally and manufactured artificially in health and wellness industries. Foods high in resveratrol are powerful antioxidants. They offer many health benefits, ranging from reducing the activity of oxidative stress-causing agents to decreasing the natural aging process..

Why is Resveratrol Important?

Resveratrol is an essential substance of the class of antioxidants called polyphenols. In plants, it synthesizes a protective mechanism to combat harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun, stress, injury, or any fungal infection. Nonetheless, scientific and research studies have been limited to laboratories and animal-based trials. The same advantages are believed to apply to an array of human health concerns.

8 Foods High in Resveratrol

Resveratrol in food is a better option than consuming it via supplements. Regardless of the rapid progression of wellness and pharmaceutical industries, regular intake of medications and some supplements may pose adverse side effects in the long run. Therefore, if a component is present in natural sources, it is recommended to prefer them instead of relying on artificial means.

Different foods high in resveratrol are listed with their descriptions:

Red Grapes

The most renowned food source of resveratrol is red grapes – and, by extension, red wine. The peel of this fruit comprises rich amounts of resveratrol. A glass of red wine offers tremendous amounts of this innovative component. However, moderation is the key because the health benefits of red wine are significantly less as compared to the extent of harm it poses to your well-being.


Among the countless varieties of nuts, peanuts and pistachios are the wealthiest sources as they can be a tasty and convenient way of snacking. You can easily incorporate them into various recipes, fill your pockets with these nuts, and keep munching while walking, sitting, or driving. However, it is advised to go for the slightly roasted and unsalted versions to balance your sodium intake.

Both peanuts and peanut butter are loaded with resveratrol. A cup of peanuts contains 0.32 milligrams to 1.28 milligrams of resveratrol. On the other hand, a cup of peanut butter has 0.04 milligrams to 0.13 milligrams of resveratrol.

In addition, pistachios are not only delicious but are also packed with loads of nutrients, including resveratrol. They also offer a range of wholesome fats, which help in the regulation of reproductive tract health.

You can munch them as a snack, crush them in different desserts for garnishing, and add in smoothies to enhance the rich consistency and flavor while simultaneously boosting resveratrol intake.


Berries, such as cranberries, strawberries, and blueberries, are among excellent sources of foods high in resveratrol. Including these colorful candies in your daily diet is a delightful and nutritious way to boost your intake of various antioxidants and other nutrients to maximize long-term health benefits.

Cranberries are well-known for their miraculous effects in curing urinary tract infections (UTIs). In addition to proanthocyanidins, they also contain resveratrol, which helps to wipe off harmful bacteria throughout the tract. You can enjoy these types of berries in their dried form or can also couple your meals with a cup of cranberry juice.

Black and Red Currants

These fruits are less common than grapes and berries but contain a generous amount of resveratrol – widely used to make jams and jellies or as an addition to fruit salads and desserts.

Japanese Knotweed

Despite being an unusual or less common food item in your daily life, Japanese knotweed is one of the wealthiest resveratrol sources commonly used to prepare traditional Chinese and Japanese medicines. Supplements made from this herb offer the most outstanding amount.

Itadori Tea

Another uncommon Japanese food is Itadori tea, which contains antioxidants, including resveratrol. This tea is a good option for those who want to avoid alcohol but still gain health benefits.

Cocoa and Dark Chocolate

It’s good news for chocolate lovers that dark chocolate and cocoa are packed with resveratrol and many other nutrients. The darker the chocolate, the more fabulous the bitter touch and the more incredible resveratrol. It is recommended to look for at least 70% cocoa in a bar of chocolate to maximize the intake. However, portion control is the key to fulfilling your body’s resveratrol reservoirs.

Red Onions

One of the most versatile foods high in resveratrol that is used in a variety of cuisines to develop the primary flavor of a dish is red onion. Its unique sweet yet tangy flavor is capable of leveling up the taste of salads, sandwiches, and pizzas. Many people living in Asian rural areas enjoy eating red onions with wheat tortillas, which is a staple in their diet regime. In addition, a great many savory dishes are complete with fried onion used for garnishing purposes.

Incorporate Resveratrol-Rich Foods in Your Daily Diet

Now that you know about some fantastic natural foods high in resveratrol, let’s find out exciting ways to include them in your daily meals to make them more appealing and palatable:

Chop different types of fruits, including red grapes, blueberries, and cranberries, to make a colorful salad bowl loaded with resveratrol, antioxidants, and various types of micronutrients.

Mix different types of nuts, such as almonds, pistachios, and dried cranberries. Keep this mixture in an airtight jar so you can munch on them quickly. However, make sure to balance its portion size because these nuts are high in healthy fats and other dense components.

Final Wrap Up

Foods high in resveratrol are an incredible addition to your diet regime for promising longevity and overall well-being. Extensive investigations for its cancer-fighting and heart-protective properties are still under consideration because resveratrol-rich foods work by targeting several cellular pathways, including those that fight against inflammation, oxidative stress, and cell death. Life would become much more beautiful if we aim to add life to our years rather than focusing on adding years to our lives.