Resveratrol Side Effects

The significance of investigating each side of a component can’t be neglected, especially if it claims to contribute to the wholesomeness of your life. With the progressive advancements of time and technology, health and wellness industries are flooded with countless medications and supplements, of which resveratrol side effects and beneficial outcomes are among prominent considerations these days.

Resveratrol is a natural component infused in several raw food sources, ranging from simple yet miraculous fruits to proteinaceous beef and poultry. It has received substantial recognition for its antiaging, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular benefits. In addition, resveratrol supplements are extensively studied for its advantageous results in humans. However, it is equally important to examine resveratrol side effects to tackle the unfortunate potential harms in the long run.

How Does Resveratrol Work?

Resveratrol is a natural phenol; it is an active substance in grapes, berries, black currants, nuts, and Japanese herbs.

Many edible plants naturally produce this component within themselves to fight against stressful conditions and ward off pathogenic creatures, such as harmful bacteria and fungi – please note that not all sorts of bacteria and fungi are harmful. Some are beneficial to the extent of sustaining your life quality with maximum health.

Resveratrol is also consumed as a food supplement in tablet or capsule form. It is known to work by contributing to the following mechanisms:

  • Inhibiting pro-hypertrophic signaling molecules
  • Improve myocardial calcium handling
  • Reduce oxidative stress and relevant cellular injuries

In addition, many scientists support the association between resveratrol and levels of different types of fat in your body. A diet enriched with natural antioxidants increases the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – commonly referred to as good fats. The levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), trans-fats, and cholesterol – collectively known as bad fats, are simultaneously reduced.

All in all, the foods you eat affect each component of your body, including blood and bones. The higher the antioxidant content in your body, the more excellent the protection of your body from inflammation and certain diseases.

Reported Resveratrol Side Effects

Before delving into the details of resveratrol side effects, it is essential to recognize that natural and synthetic beneficial components are generally safe if consumed in moderation and after consulting the relevant professional.

Detailed scientific investigations are required to study both benefits and adverse effects. It is vital to conduct these studies on lab animals or in vitro so you can make informed decisions to formulate resveratrol supplements and set the values of natural sources in the food composition table of different foods native to their continents.

Adverse effects arise from unethical activities, such as self-medication, ignoring the need for regular checkups, long-term usage of the product, and mindlessly following the meaningless pieces of advice of irrelevant field experts.

Resveratrol adverse effects are explained below:

Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) Discomfort

One of the most common adverse effects of resveratrol is disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), or simply the digestive system, including nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting because its high doses agitate the stomach lining and disrupt the normal digestive processes.

Drug-Nutrient Interaction

Resveratrol has the efficacy to interact with certain medicinal substances, particularly blood thinners like warfarin and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin. Besides, it also affects the potency of specific cancer medications. Therefore, it is advised to seek professional healthcare guidance before adding resveratrol and other substances to your regimen, especially if you’re already on a prescription for other ailments or diseases.

Hormonal Imbalances

Resveratrol can mimic or copy the function of estrogen. Estrogen is primarily a female hormone but is also present in men in small amounts. Typically, its parts are evident in the female reproductive and urinary tracts, breast development, heart and blood vessels, bones, skin, hair, mucous membranes, pelvic muscles, and the brain. Resveratrol could concern people with hormone-sensitive conditions, like breast cancer.

Hepatic Function

While some scientific studies conducted on lab rats have shown beneficial results, high doses for a prolonged time could place extra stress on the liver. Therefore, if you have a significant or minor liver problem, practicing caution before consuming foods high in resveratrol and its supplemental forms is suggested.

Blood Pressure Fluctuations

Consuming a moderate amount of natural resveratrol improves your cardiac health. As resveratrol is present in red wine in excess amounts, its overconsumption could have self-contradictory effects.

If you’re already suffering from hypertension, more than usual intake of red wine or any natural or artificial source of resveratrol can interfere with blood pressure management, which necessitates an equalized approach with regular monitoring.

Dose-Response Relationship

An appropriate dose-response relationship can efficiently decrease the resveratrol side effects while optimizing its benefits to the maximum. Most of the adverse effects are associated with prolonged use or heavy doses of resveratrol, mainly via supplements.

Strictly following the recommended daily values ensures an in-depth understanding of individualized health conditions that are essential for safe consumption. Most of the clinical or laboratory trials have incorporated a diversified dose, ranging from 150 milligrams to 1500 milligrams. However, many pharmacies keep over-the-counter (OTC) resveratrol supplements available in the range of 250 milligrams to 500 milligrams per day.

It is crucial to seek professional guidance as they can guide you well about the correct dosage to cater to your customized course of medications, presence of pre-existing health conditions, biochemical profile, and generalized health status.

Precautionary Measures

It is essential to consider the dosage to keep resveratrol side effects at a maximum distance. Field experts have yet to recommend any exact range or value to consume resveratrol daily via either foods or supplements. It is best to seek professional guidance to get customized and tailored solutions that best suit your overall well-being.

The Bottom Line

While the component provides a remarkable opportunity for its many advantageous health benefits, the most notable resveratrol side effects typically arise from abnormal and prolonged usage, gastric discomfort, undesired hormonal effects, and liver stress. Obtaining personalized advice from the experts is always the best option before modifying your dietary and lifestyle regimen.